In-Depth Predictive Horoscopes
Kundli is the basis of Vedic Astrology and acts as the astrological chart to calculate the future of an individual. The Kudali or Horoscope based on the date of birth is the most accurate way to predict one’s personality traits and how their future would pan out. But, with evolving technologies, our path to attain the truth has deviated too!
Online Kundli now features a bounty of options and astrological systems available for horoscope reading. The aforementioned Online Horoscope Predictions are all correct and boast about their accuracy, but Kundali making is not a child’s play and there’s only so much software could do.
Prepared by our expert astrologers who have decades of experience in their respective fields, the Janam Kundali thus devised is done meticulously with deft fingers and unerring predictions.
FuturePoint gives to you its 3 best seller reports aimed at providing you the most accurate and Detailed Horoscope Report in the market.
In-Depth Predictive Horoscopes
Kundli Phal
Kundli Darpan
Page – 120
Bhrigu Patrika
Page – 230
Delivered As
Basic Horoscope Details
Planetary Degree & Positions
Vimshottari Dasha
Favourable Points
Gem Selection
Lucky Stone
Sadesati Consideration
Manglik Vichar
Kaalsarp Yoga
Planetary Reading
Personality & Nature
Wealth, Family & Eyes
Mother, Conveyence, Property, Education
Intellect, Children, Love & Romance
Spouse, Marriage And Business Partner
Father, Profession, Status & Power
Yearly Prediction
5 Years
10 Years
20 Years
Dasha Analysis
Yogini Dasha
Numerology Predictions
Important Yogas
Analysis of Yogas
Shodashottari Dasha
Tribhagi Dasha
Ashtottari Dasha
Kaalchakra Dasha
Char Dasha
Ascendant Prediction
Lal Kitab
Bhrigu Patrika
Based on the principles of Bhrigu Samhita, the Bhrigu Patrika Report is a complete analysis of one’s birth chart along with the planetary positions and their influence on the individual’s future. The most detailed horoscope in the market, it boasts about a whopping plethora of calculations and charts that provide an in-depth character analysis along with future predictions and remedies. Along with the calculations present in Janam Kundli Plus Report, it includes:
Basic Horoscope Details
Favourable Points
Yearly Predictions for 20 years
Detailed Analysis of Horoscope
Planetary Predictions
Nakshatra Phal
Dasha Analysis
Numerology & Planetary Predictions
Gem Recommendation
Bhrigu Patrika contains 20 years of Transit Reports along with Yearly predictions based on every move of the planets in your birth chart. Moreover, the report amalgamates Numerology and Lal Kitab, two of the most accurate astrological sciences to make incredibly accurate predictions as per your date of birth and other details.
The patrika also contains Health and Finance Astro Graphs with 20 years of predictions along with Gemstone remedies. The predictions thus mentioned helps in making the right decisions at the most appropriate time.
Kundli Phal
The most extensive report containing 40+ pages of calculations and in-depth analysis, the Kundali Phal report contains all the basic horoscope calculations along with charts and numbers that provide an in-depth analysis of all the houses and the planets present in them.All things offered in Janam Kundli Report inclusive, along with
Favourable points
Dasha analysis
Planetary Predictions
5 Year Yearly Prediction
Detailed Dasha Analysis
The predictions in the model include House predictions about your Health, Finance, Marriage, Career etc, Planet readings about the 9 planets in your horoscope, Dasha readings for 10 years, and Yearly predictions (Transit predictions) for 5 years. The report also comes with remedies specifically aimed at providing you solace from all your woes. Remedies for all types of doshas present in your kundli are also added at the end of the report.
Kundli Darpan
An extensive 120+ page Horoscope Report, Kundli Darpan provides a bird’s eye view into your horoscope.
Shodashvarga table
Vimshottari Dasha
Yogini Dasha
Gem Recommendation
Dasha Analysis
10 Year Yearly Prediction
Dosha Analysis with remedies
Consisting of an advanced chart with calculations and combinations along with a detailed analysis through Kundli phal, Sudarshan Chakra, KP System, Divisional chart, Jamini or Jaimini Astrology, Shadbal, Ashtak Varga and 10 more of these well-renowned astrology systems, Kundali Darpan is your answer to every question ever asked.
The report also features Dasha Calculations from Vimshottari and Yogini Dasha with even the minutest of details mentioned in clear sight.